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In celebration of National Poetry month, writers Peter Gizzi and Bradford Morrow will read from recent writing. Gizzi , this year’s winner of the prestigious T. S. Eliot Prize in Poetry for his book Fierce Elegies, which the judges cited as being of “transcendental beauty.” Morrow will read from his recently published novel, The Forger’s Requiem.

About the Artists

Peter Gizzi is the author of several collections of poetry, most recently Fierce Elegy (2023), Winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize; Now It’s Dark (2020), Archeophonics (2016), Finalist for the National Book Award; and In Defense of Nothing (2014), all from Wesleyan. He grew up in the Berkshires of western MA. He’s been a contributing editor for Conjunctions for over 20 years.

Bradford Morrow is author of eleven books of fiction, including most recently the novel The Prague Sonata and his Forgers trilogy, The Forgers, The Forger’s Daughter, and The Forger’s Requiem (the final volume just out in January 2025). He founded and edits the acclaimed literary journal Conjunctions—some 84 issues to date—for which he received the PEN/Nora Magid Award and a lifetime achieve award from CLMP. His many other honors include an Academy Award in Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, O. Henry and Pushcart Prizes, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Morrow’s work has been translated into 14 languages and widely anthologized here and abroad. He divides his time between New York City and the Catskills in upstate New York.

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